Source code for tvm.sparse.format

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"""Format module for sparse tensor algebra."""
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Union
import tvm._ffi
import tvm.tir

from tvm.runtime import Object
from tvm.tir import IndexMap, _ffi_api
from tvm import IRModule
from tvm.tir.transform import SparseFormatDecompose

[docs]@tvm._ffi.register_object("tir.sparse.FormatRewriteRule") class FormatRewriteRule(Object): """Format rewriting rule. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the format rewriting rule. format_desc : PrimFunc A TIR script describing the new format. buffers_to_rewrite: List[str] The list of sparse buffers we need to rewrite. axes_before_rewrite : List[str] The list of axes before the rewrite. axes_after_rewrite : List[str] The list of axes after the rewrite. axis_map : Dict[str, List[str]] The axis mapping from the old format to the new format. idx_map_func : Union[Callable, IndexMap] A function describing the index mapping from the old format to indices in new format. inv_idx_map_func : Union[Callable, IndexMap] A function describing the coordinate mapping from indices in new format. to indices in old format. """
[docs] def __init__( self, name: str, new_format_desc: tvm.tir.PrimFunc, buffers_to_rewrite: List[str], axes_before_rewrite: List[str], axes_after_rewrite: List[str], axis_map: Dict[str, List[str]], idx_map: Union[Callable, IndexMap], inv_idx_map: Union[Callable, IndexMap], ) -> None: if isinstance(idx_map, Callable): idx_map = IndexMap.from_func(idx_map) if isinstance(inv_idx_map, Callable): inv_idx_map = IndexMap.from_func(inv_idx_map) self.__init_handle_by_constructor__( _ffi_api.FormatRewriteRule, name, new_format_desc, buffers_to_rewrite, axes_before_rewrite, axes_after_rewrite, axis_map, idx_map, inv_idx_map, ) # type: ignore
[docs]def column_part_hyb(num_rows, num_cols, indptr_nd, indices_nd, num_col_parts, buckets): """Partition input CSR matrix by columns and collect rows into buckets according to non zero elements per row. Parameters ---------- num_rows : int Number of rows in the CSR matrix. num_cols : int Number of columns in the CSR matrix. indptr : NDArray The indptr array of CSR matrix. indices : NDArray The indices array of CSR matrix. num_col_parts : int Number of column partitions. buckets : List The bucket sizes array. Returns ------- Tuple[List[List[NDArray]]] The pair of (row_indices, col_indices, mask). row_indices is stored as a list of lists with shape (num_col_parts, len(buckets)), where the innermost element is an NDArray. col_indices and mask are stored in the same way. """ return _ffi_api.ColumnPartHyb( num_rows, num_cols, indptr_nd, indices_nd, num_col_parts, buckets # type: ignore )
[docs]def condense(indptr_nd, indices_nd, t, g): """Condense sparse matrix in CSR format to (t x 1) tiles, and group g tiles together. Parameters ---------- indptr : NDArray The indptr array of CSR format. indices : NDArray The indices array of CSR format. t : int The tile size. g : int The group size. Returns ------- Tuple[NDArray] The pair of (group_indptr, tile_indices, mask). """ return _ffi_api.ConDense(indptr_nd, indices_nd, t, g) # type: ignore
[docs]def csf_to_ell3d( csf_indptr_0, csf_indices_0, csf_indptr_1, csf_indices_1, nnz_rows_bkt, nnz_cols_bkt ): """Convert CSF format to composable ELL format in 3-dimensional setting (HeteroGraphs). Parameters ---------- csf_indptr_0 : NDArray Level 0 indptr array in CSF format. csf_indices_0 : NDArray Level 0 indices array in CSF format. csf_indptr_1 : NDArray Level 1 indptr array in CSF format. csf_indices_1 : NDArray Level 1 indices array in CSF format. num_rows_bkt : List[int] Number of non-zero rows bucket. nnz_cols_bkt : List[int] Number of non-zero columns bucket. Returns ------- Tuple[List[NDArray]] (indptr, row_indices, col_indices, mask) Each one is a list of NDArray, with length #rels. """ return _ffi_api.CSFToELL3D( csf_indptr_0, csf_indices_0, csf_indptr_1, csf_indices_1, nnz_rows_bkt, nnz_cols_bkt )
[docs]def format_decompose( mod: IRModule, composable_formats: List["FormatRewriteRule"], include_format_rewrite_blks: bool = True, ): """Rewrite the sparse format of sparse buffers in the TIR scripts. Parameters ---------- mod : IRModule The IRModule to lower. composable_formats : List[FormatRewriteRule] Composable formats is a list of rewrite rules. include_format_rewrite_blks : bool Whether to include format rewrite blocks in the output. """ if not isinstance(mod, IRModule): raise TypeError("Expected IRModule, but got {}".format(type(mod))) return SparseFormatDecompose(composable_formats, include_format_rewrite_blks)(mod)